In the past, before there was a paternity test, men were forced to believe in blind faith. Today, even with paternity testing available, some men still want to consider blind faith. Men wake up! It doesn’t matter. If you are married or in a relationship, you should always have a paternity test done better safe than sorry. If you ask a woman for a paternity test and she gets angry, that’s a red flag. But there is good news, you can secretly have a paternity test. That will keep peace without the mother ever knowing in case you are the father. Because if men carried babies, I believe every woman would request a paternity test. If you look different or have siblings that look different, your mother probably lied to your father about paternity. I know we all know someone who has lied about paternity. We see people every day that don’t look like their father or mother. Also, I know you heard about Maury Povich.

Men just because you are the first to hold the little bundle of joy, and you were in the delivery room to snip the baby’s umbilical cord, doesn’t mean you’re the father. But, the question remains, is the baby yours or someone else’s baby? Before you start calling yourself a proud father, you need to do a paternity test. That’s right! Before you leave the hospital and before you sign the birth certificate. There should be a mandatory law for DNA testing before you can legally call yourself DAD even if you are married. Women cheat just as much as men without getting caught. That’s because very few men investigate. Women will cook, clean, give you sex regularly, and still have a lover on the side. Men, some of you have outside children that another man thinks he’s the father that he is raising, so you should already know the game. “Remember what you do to others, come back on you.”

Some women might believe or assume you are the father without knowing for sure. Most women will choose the man with the most money or who they love the most to blame as the father. If a woman is married and sleeps around, she will claim that you’re the father. If you took care of a child and later finds out that’s, it’s not yours.  Once you stop feeling dumb, you should sue the mother and the” real father” for reimbursement for all expenses you incurred raising the child. Every father and child deserves to know the truth; it’s not fair to be dishonest with neither of them.